The Danger of Boilerplate Contract Provisions
LawPay's Director of Education, Claude E. Ducloux, presents a 30-minute power point covering the dangers of using “my old form” for standard contract provisions, without reviewing and tailoring each clause for clear understanding by all parties and attorneys. We’ll cover examples of typical “miscellaneous” clauses, and caselaw and precedent demonstrating how they can dangerously result in unintended consequences; We will discuss typical types of contract which usually contain miscellaneous clauses to always review and strike or upgrade; the need for clarity, breadth, and insidious danger of “waivers.”
Attorney at Law, Board Certified in Civil Trial and Appellate Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization; LawPay’s Director of Education, Ethics, and State Compliance.
Claude E. Ducloux is an attorney licensed in Texas, Colorado, and California who speaks nationally on legal ethics, law office management, and trial-related topics. In 2011, he won the highest statewide award from the State Bar of Texas for lifetime contribution to CLE and has been invited to speak in more than 500 programs since January 1, 2016. Claude has served as course director and creator of numerous CLE institutes and advanced courses.
Mr. Ducloux has a long legacy of bar service, including being President of the Austin Bar Association, and serving as Chair of almost every major bar-related entity, as well as the Texas Bar Foundation. He is a board-certified civil trial and appellate attorney in Texas.